Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Update on us.

I feel like it's been forever sine I blogged. Tons has happened in the past few weeks.

Andrew left for CAX and I spent a week hanging out with my friends and loving my puppies. Then I went home for a week. I had such a good time at home. It was stressful because I had so many people I wanted to see and things I wanted to do and I didn't get to do/see everything/everyone, but I had a good time. Missy took me to this place called Bra Genie to get a strapless bra. This place is AMAZING! If you have never been fit for a bra I recommend finding someplace similar to this and I'm not talking Victoria's Secret they SUCK! I absolutely love the few bras that I got for them and I'm planning getting a few more.

Since I've been home I've been knitting my little fingers off. I decided I was going to knit a bunch of Christmas presents and a few hats for sale. I got a bunch of knitting last done yesterday since Century Link internet was down ALL FREAKING DAY! Wanna talk about how long that makes the day last especially since I was waiting for Andrew to get home from CAX yesterday.

Today is going much better. Andrew is home (well at work for now), the internet is back on, my sofa was repaired and returned today and I'm going to dinner with my hubby tonight.

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