Tuesday, November 23, 2010

10 on Tuesday (Thanksgiving style)

1. I am thankful for my husband who always supports me no matter what.
2. I am thankful for my family. (Mom's side)

3. My dad's side
4. I am thankful for my in-laws. Not everyone gets blessed with awesome in-laws, so I feel like I got extra lucky with mine!
5. I am thankful for Missy! She's been my best friend for as long as I can remember and I don't know what I would do without her.
6. I'm thankful for all the friends that the Marine Corps has given me the opportunity to meet.
7. Believe it or not I'm thankful for the time I spent in Syracuse because if we hadn't been stationed there I never would have been given the opportunity to meet these wonderful women. 8. I'm thankful for my puppies (even when they pee on my carpet).

9. I'm thankful for my kittens to (most days). I love them even when they're being standoffish.
10. I'm thankful for the house that Andrew and I are turning into a home. I know buying a house wasn't really in the plans here, but buying this house really is a testament to how much with love our animals. We bought it so we could keep them all (and add one more!).

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