Saturday, April 30, 2011

Six Word Saturday

Food, Friends, Fun, and the beach.

I found this prompt over at Show My Face and I'm super excited about it! Feel free to click the button above and find out about it for yourself!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter's on it's way!!!

The news here is that I'm super excited for Easter. More specifically Easter dinner. I mean you don't get better than food and friends.

After enjoying the beach this morning and getting some sun. I came home to start my preparations for Easter dinner. I made the infamous baked macaroni that is to die for, I boiled 20 eggs for egg dying tomorrow, and most importantly I made the bunny cake! I believe that the bunny cake is the most important part of Easter dinner (right after the macaroni). He's so simple to make and looks so cute. I made a basic yellow cake in 2 9in pans. Then I cut the ears out of one of the rounds which leaves the bow tie shape in the middle. Place them all on a cookie sheet and ice. It doesn't get much simpler than that!!! Now I just have to wait until everyone gets here tomorrow to eat it!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

MilSpouse Fill in Friday

1. With PCS moves happening every few years, do you take the time to paint and decorate your home?

Of course I take the time to at least decorate at all of our duty stations. I don't feel as if our house is a home unless it looks and feels like a home. This duty station is the first where we have owned the home we live in. I've been taking full advantage of being able to paint and decorate without restrictions. Plus I'm loving having a garden!

2. If you could live in any home on a television series, what would it be?

I would live in one of the houses on Weeds. I would love to live in a huge house in SoCal.

3. What inspired you to start your blog.

Marrying Andrew inspired me to start my blog. I knew that I wouldn't see my family as often as I would like and that I wouldn't always be able to keep in touch with friends as well as I would like so I started this blog to let them have a peek into our lives.

4. What is the weirdest thing you have ever seen on base?

This is a good one. I would say that I've seen some pretty interesting things on Lejeune. Especially at the beach on base. Like this one lady who came to the dog beach with her child, then threw a fit that there were dogs on the beach!

5. Which historical figure (politician, writer, artisit, scientist, actor, etc) would you like to have dinner with?

I would love to meet the founding fathers. I think it would be interesting to pick their brains about what they think on how America has turned out.

Friday, April 8, 2011

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In

1. Tell us about your dream that you would do regardless of pay.
If I could do anything I would work for social services. I want to be able to go in and help children who are having bad home lives and help them to get the lives they deserve.

2. What is your most prized material possession (kids and pets don't count)?
If I can't choose my pets I guess I would choose the external hard drives that have all of our pictures on them.

3. What has been you favorite duty station and why?
If I absolutely have to choose I would pick Lejeune. I have been blessed to find the best friends a girl could ask for here at Lejeune. There are small things that I enjoyed from each of our duty stations though. While I wasn't in Cali with Andrew I loved the beaches and the weather when I visited him. In Texas I loved that we had Andrew's family so close. In Syracuse I loved the state parks and the wineries. I just wish there hadn't been snow.

4. What is your least favorite chore?
My least favorite chore is definitely the dishes. I hate touching dirty dishes, I don't like when there is food stuck on them. It's gross, it makes me gag. Luckily Andrew is nice enough to do them when he's home.

5. If you could give one piece of advice to a teenager today (not specifically a MilTeen), what would it be?
My advice would be stop trying to grow up so quickly. Enjoy high school and your friends. Don't rush to become an adult because trust me it's not everything you think it is.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I almost had a heart attack because the cat took a poop.

This morning around 8:30am I was startled awake. While I was laying in my bed trying to figure out what exactly had startled me and I heard it... Thump thump thump. It sounded like someone was knocking on the door. All I could think was oh crap this it they've come to tell me something happened to Andrew, I'm not wearing any pants. Yes, that was the exact next thought that flashed through my mind. So, I fly out of bed and to the window in my room. There wasn't anyone in front of my house, but I knew I could see my porch. I'm beginning to believe that I imagined it all and I hear thump, thump, thump. So I assume they pulled up in my driveway far enough that I couldn't see them. I start seriously freaking out I throw on some PJ pants and a hoodie. I throw open my bedroom door and promptly face plant over the baby gate I leave there to keep the dogs out. I get to my front door and open it setting off my alarm system. There's no one there. There's no one in my driveway everything is fine. Andrew is fine. The alarm is still going off though. My phone starts ringing, it's ADT checking to make sure I'm ok. I answer the phone (alarm still sounding). I'm sure the woman on the other end thought was nuts. She could hear my alarm going off. She asked if everything was alright and all of the standard questions. I give her the information that she wants, but I must have sounded shaken because she verified it several times before letting me go. At this point the adrenaline rush I had was gone, the dogs were barking, and I was exhausted. So, I left my poor dogs in their crate and did what any sane person would do. I went to bed. I was laying in my bed trying to fall back to sleep and I heard it again thump, thump, thump. This time I knew it wasn't my door and I decided I was going to figure it out. Turns out that my cats had some how moved their litter box so when they were digging in it it was knocking against the inside of the the piece of furniture that it's kept in. Yes, I almost had a heart attack this morning and for a brief moment I thought the worst all because my cat had to take a poop.