Saturday, January 15, 2011

Missed phone call.

If you've ever been in a relationship with someone in the military you know that sick feeling you get in your stomach when you miss a phone call. I've had that feeling for most of the day now. Thanks to my wonderful AT&T service the phone call never rang through I only got the notice that I had missed a call. AT&T proved to be even more wonderful when I went to check to see if there was a voice mail only to discover that my voice mail box had been deactivated. So, I guess you can say that I was upset for nothing because I can't even prove it was Andrew. I just know that it was a call from a random number at an odd hour so all signs point to it was a call from my husband. I keep hoping he'll call back, but so far nothing he hasn't logged into facebook either. I'm super bummed since I've been sick and could have used a little pick me up.

I guess that tomorrow I will pick myself up by my bootstraps dust myself off and wait for another phone call that hopefully AT&T will let through to my phone or at least let him leave a voicemail so I can hear his voice.

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Ugh I hate that feeling :( Sorry you missed the call! I hope he gets to call again soon.