Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

1. My birthday is tomorrow I turn 24. I'm not exactly sure when I got this old (not that 24 is OLD).
2. I have some great friends here in J'ville. I get to hang out with some great girls today and there's gonna be a big get together for lunch tomorrow.
3. I love our puppies, but yesterday I wanted to kill them. They were so nice as to run away. I got them both back, but they're making me crazy.
4. The cats have lost their minds also. They are running around like I lit their tails on fire. I think it's all the cool weather and fresh air.
5. The weather has been beautiful here the past few days. I've been able to have the windows open and a/c off. It's so nice.
6. Andrew's training got pushed back, so he doesn't have to leave on my birthday any more!!! I'm so excited about this. We're gonna try to go out to dinner if he gets off of work early enough.
7. I'm gonna go home while Andrew is at training, I'm so excited to get to see my friends and family back home.
8.We got our photos done on the beach with the puppies the other day. Our photographer Heartlove Photography is amazing and we love our pictures. We're just waiting on the prints we ordered to come in.
9.Andrew and I are getting excited for fall. We're going to try and hit up a couple of festivals before he leaves for training. I'm hoping that they're as fun as the ones we went to in Syracuse.
10.I have to admit that I actually miss this time of year in Syracuse. I miss the apple cider and the wineries. I don't miss the winter though.

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