Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Bad yet good?

I woke up this morning sick as a dog, but I dragged my butt to class anyway! YaY me for getting there on time too! My second class of the day made me extremely happy that I chose to go to class today. I got my paper back and I got an A- on it! I'm so excited about it because it means that I'm now passing that class and as long as I keep all of my grades where they are (or better of course) I will graduate in December! I have been so stressed out about midterms and trying to make sure I'm getting good grades in all of my classes.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and I'm starting to plan out what we're doing. I'm going to be going to Texas and spending it with Andrew. I can't wait to see him again. This long distance marriage thing is really starting to get old.

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