Friday, April 8, 2011

MilSpouse Friday Fill-In

1. Tell us about your dream that you would do regardless of pay.
If I could do anything I would work for social services. I want to be able to go in and help children who are having bad home lives and help them to get the lives they deserve.

2. What is your most prized material possession (kids and pets don't count)?
If I can't choose my pets I guess I would choose the external hard drives that have all of our pictures on them.

3. What has been you favorite duty station and why?
If I absolutely have to choose I would pick Lejeune. I have been blessed to find the best friends a girl could ask for here at Lejeune. There are small things that I enjoyed from each of our duty stations though. While I wasn't in Cali with Andrew I loved the beaches and the weather when I visited him. In Texas I loved that we had Andrew's family so close. In Syracuse I loved the state parks and the wineries. I just wish there hadn't been snow.

4. What is your least favorite chore?
My least favorite chore is definitely the dishes. I hate touching dirty dishes, I don't like when there is food stuck on them. It's gross, it makes me gag. Luckily Andrew is nice enough to do them when he's home.

5. If you could give one piece of advice to a teenager today (not specifically a MilTeen), what would it be?
My advice would be stop trying to grow up so quickly. Enjoy high school and your friends. Don't rush to become an adult because trust me it's not everything you think it is.

1 comment:

LaDonna Rae said...

URRGGHH...I have searched my inbox, spam and trash bin...nothing there, but I have comments from post...that went to; in fact that is the address you comments came to. I tried to reply to your comment but there is no reply email address. Do you have any suggestions?